Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,153,638 Issue: 896 | 27th day of Running, Y22
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Continued Series

The River that Flows Eternal

Evett’s breath came in gasps. He was lying on the grass somewhere outside the ruins. How he had gotten there he couldn’t recall; as soon as those huge winged monsters had come, he’d crawled blindly as far away as he could get. He’d never felt like this before.

by movie138music
Harker's Story

Meridell was much as Harker had expected it to be – warm, sunny, grassy and green. It didn’t particularly suit his purposes for it to be so sunny and warm, as he had banked on keeping his identity mostly unknown, under his dark hooded cloak with his scarf wrapped around his face.

by tanikagillam
Avatar Goldmine

Eventually, Rysony plucked up the courage to run back to Turmaculus and ask why there were so many Merdiell flags and buntings around the island. The Turmaculus chuckled, as he had already been awoken by some rude Neopet 20 minutes prior. Edited by rabbits_forever

by wizzkid_
Thompkens Jenkins

Her name was Maude Clock, and she was a Krawk. Thom had liked her from the day he met her because she was a mystery. More bipolar than volatile, always spouting bits of gibberish Thom found enlightening, it was even unknown to Thom whether she was a woman or a child.

by dewdropzz
All hat, no dragon

"L-lady Cecilia? Whatever is the meaning of this? Were we making too much noise?" Some of the Neovians in the more elaborate costumes had edged over to the dragon, whose head and neck still blocked the only door into the banquet hall.

by liouchan
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The Secrets TNT Doesn't Want Us to Know

Many of us are aware that behind Neopia there’s a team of hardworking people bringing us stability and moderation whenever it’s needed, along with a bunch of mischievous Meepits waiting for a chance to submerge everything into chaos and bugs… a lot of bugs. However, there’s also a lot of stuff TNT is hiding for us, so users don’t get an advantage over other players. That’s why I, a veteran, decided to uncover some of the most-sheltered secrets TNT never speaks about...

Other Stories


Faerie Wings Short: Delilah's Royal Coronation
Delilah occupied herself with the scenery below. Watching the various Faeries scramble around each other provided a temporary distraction. The Air Faerie behind her had her mouth stuffed with pins as she styled Delilah’s long, purple hair into a fancy beehive-style updo.

by downrightdude


The Greatest Prank of All
Queen Fyora has had enough of Jhudora and Illusen's pranks...

by mystie06


The Secrets TNT Doesn't Want Us to Know
Many of us are aware that behind Neopia there’s a team of hardworking people bringing us stability and moderation whenever it’s needed, along with a bunch of mischievous Meepits waiting for a chance to submerge everything into chaos and bugs… a lot of bugs. However, there’s also a lot of stuff TNT is hiding for us, so users don’t get an advantage over other players.

by calcious_lalo


A Royal Send Off: Fyora's Bucket List
With Queen Fyora's sudden announcement of her retirement, one has to wonder how she would fill the voids in her day that were previously dominated by government and royal functions. In collaboration with Black_Skull725.

by parody_ham


Meanwhile in Faerieland: Career Changes
job hunting... Collaboration with larkspurlane.

by _razcalz_


The Coronation
We're lucky that the new ruler of Faerieland is ever so kind and just! (Full size on my petpage)

by anastole

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