Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,172,330 Issue: 897 | 10th day of Eating, Y22
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We found the following 19 result(s) for the keyword keruza

Week - 766

A Witty Draik
by keruza
Description: A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.

Week - 767

Why does this always happen?
by keruza
Description: Think before you speak and you might avoid an awkward situation!

Week - 769

Playing Tangram
by keruza
Description: A Nimmo that is not so good at guessing.

Week - 768

Happy Valentine's Day
by keruza
Description: From your secret admirer :)

Week - 770

Pant Devil's weakness
by keruza
Description: Even villains have soft spots.

Week - 771

Pant Devil's Problems
by keruza
Description: Things don't go as expected.

Week - 772

King of Pranks
by keruza
Description: Why so serious?

Week - 773

Feeling Left Out
by keruza
Description: Now that the Charity Corner is over, how's the Money Tree doing?

Week - 774

A Mystery Is Revealed
by keruza
Description: The Tiki Tack man shows what is under his mask.

Week - 775

Someone was hungry
by keruza
Description: GREAT!

Also by vegpire

Week - 810

Decorating for Christmas
by keruza
Description: Now that's what i call decorations...

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 811

by keruza
Description: Where's the PIZZA?

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 812

Cut out for the job
by keruza
Description: A spooky quiggle that wasn't spooky enough.

Week - 813

Waiting for him
by keruza
Description: He WILL be back, right?!?

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 815

Weird trends
by keruza
Description: It's a statement..

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 814

No magic
by keruza
Description: The rainbow pool is broken!

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 817

The voice inside my head
by keruza
Description: Did you say cookies??

Also by cherie_nicole

Week - 897

The best artist
by keruza
Description: I might be pricy but my art is worth it.

Week - 896

Her crown is mine!!
by keruza
Description: The new Queen is here!

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After much umming and ahhing about it, the red Draik had eventually caved to his friend’s pleading, and had aided the shadow Lupe in brewing the potion

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No thanks!
Looks really can decieve.

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