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Under Shenkuu Snows

by sairahiniel


Her tail brushed over her heavy footprints and left an ambiguous, soft trail in her wake.

     Are you sure you're not lost, Toq?", the Tyrannian Alkenore murmured in the Bori’s ear before nestling deeper into the golden mane until only the tips of her little ears and her horns were visible.

     The Tyranian Bori twitched a few snowflakes off her nose and continued her stately pace, “I’m never sure were not lost when we come here, Yuzu.

     “Are you sure you didn’t just dream up this magical tree?” her companion replied sceptically as they made their way deeper into the silent woods. The smell of damp cypress wafted through the air as melting snow dripped through the wakening boughs.

     Somewhere in the depths of a forgotten forest on a Shenkuu mountainside, there was a special grove, whose mysterious blooms never disappeared – except under Shenkuu snows.

     The first time Toqoia stumbled into the grove, she had just begun her training with her father. As part of the Royal Guard, he had given in to her incessant begging and showed her some sword drills with a little stick. That stick became her favourite toy and most prized possession – she would spend hours pretending it was one of the Royal Guard’s beautifully crafted swords and fight off imaginary foes to her homeland. One day, lost in a game with imaginary sky pirates and thieves, she wandered further and further into the woods. Hours passed and she looked up to petals floating like rain, impossible in the sweltering summer haze. She played in the pink snow, giggling as it tickled her nose and landed in her hair. Too young to appreciate the anachronistic nature of the beauty before her, she traipsed home after sundown with petals in all over and a flower stuck to the top of her head. Her frantic parents were too relieved to have found their youngest offspring to delve too deeply as to why she was mostly flower instead of fur.

     Her next visit was after her initiation as one of the Guardian’s apprentices. She had trained so hard and it had paid off: she outshone the other apprentices and was the only one selected to join the elite guard who would be taught by the illustrious white Aisha who protected Shenkuu. Her father beamed proudly while her mother’s cheers drowned out the polite clapping from the other families, and her four sisters cried as she was given her sword and uniform. Overwhelmed by the spotlight and crowd, she had instinctively retreated to the cool and quiet of the forest. As the rose-coloured sunset illuminated the blazing maple woods, Toqoia wandered aimlessly. She reflected on her triumph and the long, arduous journey that had brought her there. It hadn’t happened by chance; she had fought to get there. And now that she was, she would have to look to the future and set her eyes on new challenges and new heights. Lost in her solitude, she gasped as the wind brought with it the familiar smell of spring and a flurry of soft rose-coloured flowers. The Bori stood in the grove in awe, lost in the beauty of the last embers of daylight caught in the blooming grove.

     Now, she returned at the turn of the season. Intentional in her stride, sure of her destination, despite her earlier reply. There was no carpeted greeting, no tell-tale soft-petaled rain to guide her. It was only once she stepped into the snowy grove that she saw a few pink blossoms on the ground. Snow and a few melting icicles hung from the boughs, a few flowers making their appearance on the underside. She raised her head and closed her eyes, breathing in the familiar scent.

     She opened them with a start as something soft and cold touched her ear. A single flower perched itself perfectly, adding a touch of whimsy and softness to her gruff exterior. Toqoia's soft laugh echoed through the snowy expanse, joined by Yuzu's giggle.

     Their romp was suddenly interrupted –

     “I’m so glad this place is making someone else happy.”

     Toqoia spun around as Yuzu flew over and immediately retreated into the Bori’s mane.

     A faerie in a short dress, her ebony hair pinned back, floated down from one of the trees. Everyone knew of the Faerie of Shenkuu, and how she had left for Faerieland years ago to become Queen Fyora’s favourite, unlikely to leave the Queen’s side for her homeland – even when her foresight would have been invaluable in returning Princess Lunara.

     Toqoia blinked and shook her head slightly, but the apparition did not move.

     “I-I’m so sorry for intruding, lady Kaia. I didn’t know- I mean- that this was yours.”

     Kaia waved a hand and smiled. “I can hardly call it mine. It happened as more of a magical accident than anything.” The faerie peered at the Tyrannian Bori, frowning slightly. “I can see that you’re wearing the Guardian’s colours, but you look like you would be more at home on the Plateau.”

     “My mother came to Shenkuu before I was born. I was born here, in Shenkuu,” Toqoia bristled.

     The faerie immediately looked mortified, “Forgive me! I shouldn’t have assumed anything. I know a thing or two about being different and being treated differently and I should have known better.”

     The Bori’s face softened and she waved a clawed paw, sending some of the powdery snow floating. “That’s alright – I’m used to it. It is a little unusual,” she smiled wryly.

     Kaia smiled in relief, then looked up at the blanketed trees and tugged at one of the boughs, wonderingly.

     “How did you find this place? I thought I’d put a few magical wards on it, but apparently not enough.”

     “I came here as a child and have sort of… been making my way back here now and again. I didn’t know this place belonged to you, and I can leave right away! I’ve never told anyone about it or brought anyone here, I promise. Well, except Yuzu.”

     At the mention of her name, the Alkenore’s head appeared over the Bori’s plated shell.

     Kaia laughed and shook her head, “Please don’t worry! I’m glad that you found the Grove!” The faerie came a little closer and squinted intently at Toqoia for several awkward moments. “Looks like you managed to come here before the barriers were up and absorbed enough latent magic to form a link to this place. Fascinating.”

     Yuzu immediately floated away from Toqoia, scandalized. “Is she alright? Is it contagious? I don’t want whatever weird magic Toq has!”

     “It doesn’t work like that,” Kaia laughed gently. “She’s just connected to this place, that’s all. Not magic in any other way.”

     The Bori has been holding her breath unconsciously and let out a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure how she felt about magic – but she did love the magical grove, with its ever-blooming trees, its beauty and serenity. If she was to be connected to something by magic, at least it was this place.

     “Am I… Am I allowed to keep coming here?”, she asked quietly.

     Kaia had flitted up and was examining one perfectly iced over flower. She spun and around and came to land in front of Toqoia.

     With a smile, she took one giant paw. “I would like that very much. This is one of the few magics that I did on my own in Shenkuu, and I’m so happy someone loves it already. Thank you.”

     In a swirl of snow, the faerie was gone.

     The Bori stared up at the covered blossoms before closing her eyes with a small smile.

     Under Shenkuu snows, cherry blossoms slept. Soon, the country would be flooded with Neopians coming to see the fleeting splendour of the hidden kingdom’s treasure. But she wouldn’t have to wait. Not for the snows to flood the valleys in new rivers, not for the warmth of spring, not for the year to pass them by.

     Kaia’s Grove would bloom forever – and she would be there to watch over it.

     The End.

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