Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,187,703 Issue: 898 | 17th day of Eating, Y22
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword whale_56

Week - 824

The Ultimate Neopian Shop Guide
by whale_56
Description: Have you ever wondered how you can make thousands of Neopoints every day with little to no effort? Have you ever wondered how to make things in your shop sell, quickly?

Well today I'll be showing you how I make up to 50k NP a day, by restocking and making profits in my shop. It sounds complicated, but it's really easy to get the hang of, and will give you an awesome shop (and bank balance!)

Week - 898

Neopia's Forgotten Settlement - Delving Into Neovia
by whale_56
Description: For years the small town of Neovia in the Haunted Woods has flown under the radars of most Neopians. Hidden away from view by the shadows of the wispy trees that surround it, the quaint community is still said to be home to a dedicated cohort of residents, working to keep their distinct way of life a reality, rather than a relic of the past.

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The Secret Life of Petpets
The dangers of dancing

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Earth Faerie, are you okay?

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Neopia's Forgotten Settlement - Delving Into Neovia
For years the small town of Neovia in the Haunted Woods has flown under the radars of most Neopians. Hidden away from view by the shadows of the wispy trees that surround it, the quaint community is still said to be home to a dedicated cohort of residents, working to keep their distinct way of life a reality, rather than a relic of the past.

by whale_56


Spot the Difference
When you see it

by winner19955


Mission: Im-Snork-able
Entry #48 I fear they may be on to me...

by i_am_kevin_james

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