Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,589,849 Issue: 928 | 19th day of Awakening, Y23
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword miraday

Week - 818

Jhudora's Lament
by miraday
Description: So, you want my perspective after all these years? Fine.

Week - 819

Reunion with TDMBGPOP
by miraday
Description: I've finally found you...

Week - 839

Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress
by miraday
Description: The faerie’s footsteps reverberated off the gleaming stone tile. The interior sprawled like a grand hall, neutral greys dominating the polished floors and high-vaulted ceiling. Specks of tinted rainbow light flashed through the stained-glass windows, the passing clouds that were close enough to touch caused the light to dance. As she floated, following behind the faerie’s footsteps, Jolla the Dimensional Peophin took in her new assignment. The sorceress thought to herself, “So this is the inside of the Dream Fortress…”

Week - 840

Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress:Part Two
by miraday
Description: Jolla woke during the afternoon and emerged from her bedroom to see Phanta sitting in the fortress’s hall, visibly tired. Jolla herself felt exhausted, too.

Week - 850

The Weewoo Keeper and the Sea
by miraday
Description: This is my short story submission for the 850th issue of the NT! This story has a personal, very short dedication at its end for my grandmother Patricia.

Week - 918

by miraday
Description: I once was burlap, nothing grand. From that nothing, I was planned...

Week - 923

Neopian Snowglobe
by miraday
Description: I wonder what life would be like in a snowglobe...

Week - 924

Mystery Island, Revisited
by miraday
Description: We could pretend that things were normal just for a brief moment in time.

Week - 928

Memories of Home
by miraday
Description: The immaterial became physical. Collab with snakelover900

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