The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,752,993 Issue: 935 | 7th day of Hunting, Y23
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword smart100000

Week - 461

Chocolate Care
by smart100000
Description: A Chocolate pet requires more care than a normal pet! Learn how to care for it here.

Week - 469

The Secret of the Gnomes
by smart100000
Description: In this guide, I'll teach you the dangers of Halloween Gnomes and a bit of their biology...

Week - 935

You Are What You Eat
by smart100000
Description: You know what they say...

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Great stories!


An Updated Guide To Creative Spotlights, Y22 Edition
There have been many guides written about the Neopian Creative Spotlights, but none have been written in Y22!

by superkathiee


A Hero's Journey: Rivalry
Tensions are high as Jeran and Rohane have a rematch...

by precious_katuch14


The Misadventures of Snor: What a Grey day!
Playing with puddles has never been so much fun! Collab with theofloppy4135

by verna_


NQII Many Puns
And heal keep making puns, too. Collab with javascripter

by parody_ham


You Are What You Eat
You know what they say...

by smart100000

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