The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,752,993 Issue: 935 | 7th day of Hunting, Y23
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A Strange Weakness in L54

by deadpoolio809

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Battleground of the Obelisk Wordsearch!
Can you solve this Battleground of the Obelisk themed wordsearch?

by zed16


Mutant Usul Shenanigans
Sure, we can go with that....

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Lupe Pack Detectives - The Fake Detective
Blizzard the Lupe detective stumbles upon an arson case, but suspects there is more than meets the eye about this case...

by lupe_hunter_7


An Updated Guide To Creative Spotlights, Y22 Edition
There have been many guides written about the Neopian Creative Spotlights, but none have been written in Y22!

by superkathiee

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