A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,736,250 Issue: 938 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y23
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword akezis

Week - 914

A Well-deserved Break for Tea
by akezis
Description: Granny Hopbobbin and Captain Rourke meet up to check their progress with the donations for Dacardia.

Week - 919

Reminiscing About This Past Halloween
by akezis
Description: Looking back on this year's Halloween in the Haunted Woods!

Week - 920

Games and Random Events - Part 1
by akezis
Description: Hate to disappoint you but...

Week - 921

Games and Random Events - Part 2
by akezis
Description: Thank you, I guess?

Week - 922

Games and Random Events - Part 3
by akezis
Description: Not the best place for generosity...

Week - 928

Jhudora Asks for the Weirdest Items
by akezis
Description: Valentine's day gets everyone, no exceptions.

Week - 929

More Than Just NP at the Wishing Well
by akezis
Description: Littering isn't cool, little Kyrii!

Week - 930

A Gift from King Skarl
by akezis
Description: An unexpected gift, but a welcome one for sure.

Week - 931

Free Codestones
by akezis
Description: Keep them coming, please!

Week - 935

A Korbat's Only Weakness
by akezis
Description: Personal rating: 7.8/10 - too much light...

Week - 938

A Spooky New Goal Scorer: Interview with Krell Vitor
by akezis
Description: Join us for an exclusive interview with Haunted Woods team captain Krell Vitor!

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