Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 196,736,250 Issue: 938 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y23
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Historical Analysis of the Altador Cup

Good morning sports fans! It is everyone’s favourite time of the year again – it is time for the ALTADOR CUP! This year’s event will be the sixteenth time that nations from Neopia duke it out for the coveted trophy. Personally, I enjoy analyzing data; therefore, this is an article discussing each nation that participates in the Altador Cup, analyzing their averages, and ranking them accordingly. Some things to discuss beforehand – every nation’s ranking has been rounded to the closet whole number; therefore, some teams might average the same finish, but their ranking is further determined by the actual decimal value. Also, when teams are mentioned to be in the top half of competitors or bottom half of competitors, remember that means 1st through 9th places (top half) and 10th through 18th places (bottom half) respectively.

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