Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,736,250 Issue: 938 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y23
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The Brattiest Altador Cup Player Ever

by _brainchild_

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Sympathy for a Slushie Slinger
Because customers should be nicer to the slushie lady.

by thatdoodlebunny


They're Just Floating There, Menacingly
No fear? Collab with riparu

by mikurubeam297


Always Check the Expiration Date
'Round and 'round... it doesn't go. Collab with theofloppy4135 and verna_

by baiuki


Sproggie's Folly - Part 1
Stuff-a-Roo gets Young Sproggie into trouble in the Games Room.

by christie500018

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