Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,861,381 Issue: 947 | 29th day of Collecting, Y23
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We found the following 22 result(s) for the keyword sunbathr

Week - 737

Unlikely Friends
by sunbathr
Description: Royce the Elderly Bruce had spent the first half of his life carrying a sack of mail from one Neohome to another and delivering messages. His assigned locality had been in the suburbs of Neopian Central, and he’d known the area like the back of his right flipper. Each day he’d trudged down the same streets, waved hello to the same group of gossiping Unis trotting down Usuki Avenue, and made his way past a half-dozen Lupes out by their decks. That was all a lifetime ago, before Royce had been swept up in the glamorous world of petpet shows.

Week - 787

My 2nd Shovel: An Addendum to “My 1st Shovel”
by sunbathr
Description: Maybe your first shovel is getting a little rusty around the edges. Maybe one shovel just isn't enough to meet all of your shovelling needs. This article is for you.

Week - 902

The Werelupe in Room 453
by sunbathr
Description: Allen the Acara meets a mysterious Lupe during his stay at the Cockroach Towers...

Week - 913

Better Than Who?
by acara_575
Description: A new Better Than You round has just begun! Well, almost. Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

Week - 914

The Faerie Queen Announcement
by acara_575
Description: Every Faerie in Neopia has received a message from the Queen. What is going on? Collab with Sunbathr and Fishmas

Week - 915

Stargazing? Nope. Wargazing.
by sunbathr
Description: Just a normal night sky over Neopia... Collab with acara_575 and fishmas

Week - 916

Donations for Dacardia
by acara_575
Description: Captain Rourke receives the Neopian donations to rebuild Dacardia. Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

Week - 918

A Healthy Halloween
by acara_575
Description: Who said trick-or-treating was only about candy? Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

Week - 918

Getting in the Spirit of Trick-or-Treating
by sunbathr
Description: BOO! It's time for some Halloween fun. also by acara_575 and fishmas

Week - 918

Trick-or-Treating Across Neopia
by fishmas
Description: Have you ever wondered how different Neopets go Trick-or-Treating across the Neoglobe? Collab with acara_575 and sunbathr

Week - 919

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada the Transparent Blumaroo investigates a peculiar case... Collab with acara_575 and silakbo

Week - 920

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada the Transparent Blumaroo investigates the disappearance of a Green Acara named Belle… Also by acara_575 and silakbo

Week - 921

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada the Transparent Blumaroo investigates a peculiar case...

Week - 922

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada decides to conduct a stakeout... Also by acara_575 and silakbo

Week - 923

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada and Edward chase a lead downstream... Collab with acara_575 and silakbo

Week - 924

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada closes in on the culprit!

Week - 925

The Case of the Missing Acara
by sunbathr
Description: Ada the Transparent Blumaroo concludes her investigation...

Week - 925

A Cyzable Mistake: Part 1
by sunbathr
Description: Cyza makes a uniquely Neopian mistake... Collab with acara_575 and ghatna

Week - 927

A Cyzable Mistake: Part 2
by sunbathr
Description: Oops! Not again? also by acara_575 and ghatna

Week - 932

A Foolproof Comedy
by sunbathr
Description: Unlock new and exclusive content this April! collab with silakbo

Week - 940

The Surreal Exhibition
by acara_575
Description: Have you ever felt that your painting was staring back at you? No? Well, now you have! Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

Week - 947

Car Troubles
by sunbathr
Description: Innovation can come at a scary cost...Collab with rawbeee & silakbo

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Pumpkin Carving Contest
The winners of the annual Haunted Wood's Scariest Pumpkin Carvings Contest have been chosen. Collab with fishmas and ghatna

by acara_575


Random Oddness: Halloween
Happy Halloween!

by mistyqee


A Scientific Inquiry
Seestroom is so mysterious... or maybe she's just lazy.

by bohneevair


Void and Faeries
One Brightvale neighbourhood's fancy houses are quickly becoming decrepit as they are swarmed by a horde of mysterious Meepits.

by saviorfoxowlis


A Toy Maker Folly
Magic eyes with “invisible finger paint” and screws that adjust “for every doll head”, a stamp on mouth “that talks back”, hinges to make “living limbs”, what does all of that mean?

by homsar_eggplant

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