Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,994,887 Issue: 955 | 4th day of Running, Y24
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by freehanded

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Fruit Feasts for your Island Kougra on Gadgadsbogen
"Since we cannot guess what new magical fruit the Island will provide, we can still enjoy the fruits of the past that have grown on the island every year on Gadgadsbogen."

by _ahre_


NeoPizza - Some gather around a Holiday Tree...
and this is exactly why we never take down the tree.

by abby568


What Kind of Tropical Fruit Are You?
"Sour, bitter, spicy or sweet - this quiz will help you explore your personality and inspire you to try out some of the best tastes Gadgadsbogen has to offer."collab with dependence

by ziemelbriedis


Fill Those Pet Slots: Additions on a Budget
Be frugal AND trendy with these affordable morphing methods!

by _brainchild_

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