There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,091,448 Issue: 962 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y24
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword vicunas

Week - 583

Go! Go! Getting There: My Quest To Get a Gold Trophy
by vicunas
Description: I was told it was easy, and that I could finish the whole championship in a day. I thought it would be a piece of cake. Well, I could not imagine how wrong I would be.

Week - 796

A Veteran's Guide to Neopets
by vicunas
Description: For somebody who’s been around on Neopets for fifteen years, it’s weird to think that there are still things for me to do. It’s been challenging, but there are a few pools I’ve yet to dip my toes into.

Week - 869

It's Just a Game
by vicunas
Description: I’m telling you right now, Roo Island is going to win the whole thing.

Week - 949

Celebrating Neopia's Most Important Scientists
by vicunas
Description: From the clouds of Faerieland to the deserts of the Lost Desert, without any hesitation, let’s highlight some of the most invigorating minds of Neopia!

Week - 962

10 Gifts for the Yurble Lover in Your Life
by vicunas
Description: "Even if you are too cheap to give them a gift for the most important pet day of the year, perhaps this can help you with a gift for a birthday, a graduation, or any other kind of gift giving celebration."

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Reawakening Ties
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by kayixu


During the Fall
"When Xandra turned the Faeries to stone, most of Neopia was keen on helping the Faeries return to normal. However, life within Faerieland was particularly chaotic without the Faeries."

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The Neocola Faerie
Pulling off a soda can tab without breaking it is considered lucky, and I just like that feeling.

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Clean-up on Aisle Money Tree
"What does an old rotten right sandal, a broken fishing pole and an old rotten left boot have in common? They’re all junk, and none of them belong at our sacred Money Tree!"

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The Great Petpet Parade
This fun and heartwarming story is about the great petpet parade!

by purplekat20

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