The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword clari_hikari

Week - 897

The power of the Kadoaties
by clari_hikari
Description: Mew

Week - 899

Looking for SuAP lenders
by clari_hikari
Description: You are now eligible to use 'Super Attack Pea!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!,.. maybe??

Week - 950

look for the Neopian Times White Weewoo Plushie
by clari_hikari
Description: Happy 950th issue, Neopian Times!

Week - 965

Un día en Darigan//One day in Darigan
by clari_hikari
Description: "Yo vivo aquí a pesar de tener un clima difícil porque siempre está oscuro, e incluso cuando no lo está, el cielo esta nublado. No todo está maldito en cierto modo este lugar tiene su encanto."

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Great stories!


Ghosts of the Past - Part 1
“'What do you mean, your battle is nearing your end?' Torvald’s eyes were wide in confusion."

by fallingdaybreak


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 1
"The war room of Meridell Castle was full of knights either seated at the table, jostling for position on the floor, or standing around wherever they could find room." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist

by precious_katuch14


A Meridell Celebration
"Within the castle walls of Brightvale sat a jolly sort of king, on a beautiful throne that was as beautiful as the kingdom he ruled. He was notably as green as the kingdom itself — a jovial old Skeith whose eyes shone bright and whose laugh sounded merry."

by sleepiestkitty


Time heals all wounds... or does it?
True friends get matching petpets. collab with 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49 and iam_puma_master.

by crazy_allstar


Brightvale: true winner of Meridell vs Darigan?
"Brightvale remained relatively secluded from the wider Neopian world, until the 11th day of hiding in Y6, when the proverbial gates were flung open following its 'discovery'."

by helpfuldan

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