Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,504,353 Issue: 966 | 12th day of Hiding, Y24
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Dinner with the Scarlets: Matt’s Guide to Jokes

by june_scarlet

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Twelve Things To Make You Sing
"With the recent onset of some nicer weather, and with the Altador Cup on the horizon, I've decided that I need to focus on picking myself up."

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A Holly, Jolly Snowman
"Legend-a Woodland Uni-was well bundled up against the cold, but he still felt the chill against his pale bark."

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Omen and Oracle
"Whatever she had been dreaming, it hadn’t been a very nice dream."

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Slushies: The key to every cup
Got to have those slushies! collab with jenna_lyn_russell

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