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PAH? Shuffle? Wondertrade?.... Your guide to PC!

by vivajocares


Have you been over to the Neopian Pound Neoboard lately? It is consistently one of the fastest-moving and most popular hangout spots in Neoboard land. While always a great destination, for ogling gorgeous pets, trading for new permies, and hearing about the latest cool colours and species, it can also be totally overwhelming. Lately, the popularity of several types of pet "games" has exploded! Drawing huge crowds, much adrenaline, and endless lurkers, these games can be a blast. But, first, you have to know what is going on. The emoji-heavy board titles and quick post cadence can make these overwhelming to beginners. Let's go through the most popular types of Pound Chat (PC) pet games currently on the market:

     1) PAH - This is an acronym for "Pet Auction House". It is a trading game (pets only, no NPs or items can be exchanged) for converted Neopets. The goal of the game is to inspire trades. First, a listing board goes up, where you can list your up-for-trade pets, their colour/species, and any fun details and then. Then comes bidding-- a rapid-fire offering session on all pets in the "pot", at the end of which listers reveal their results. There are several common variations of the game. First is the classic No Pass- all pets that get a valid bid will trade at the end (only list if you're ok potentially trading for a nicely named basic pet). A similar variation is a 2-Pass- the same logic as a No Pass but you only must trade if you get three or more bids, you can pass on the first two if desired. Then there is H&H- you list two pets; if one gets a bid you can opt to pass on both, but if both get bids you trade at least one. There is also the crazy Frenzy- not only can you bid on the pets in the pot, but you can also bid on other peoples' bids! There are more variations, but, fret not, usually hosts will explain their specific rules in the listings and bidding boards.

     2) Shuffle- Essentially the same things as a PAH but targeted at UC pets. While you can bid on converted pets usually, you may typically only list UCs in the pot. There is a similar range of variations in the game, but the general logic still holds.

     3) Wondertrade- This is a pet ongoing trading board meant to inspire fast trades. You can post your pet and then you are expected to accept the first very well-named pet transferred to you in exchange. These are great boards to lurk on, hunting for the perfect permie, or to add a pet and receive a mysterious trade-- keeps you guessing!

     4) Roulette- Similar to Wondertrade, this is more of an ongoing game. The host sets up a board and specifies how long they will host. You can list and bid at any time during the game, simply post your pet's name and details. You get one free pass; in other words, once your pet receives two bids you choose a bid to accept. The continually refreshes the pot as new pets are listed and others make trades.

      Ok, so now that we have reviewed the common types of games, let's talk about a couple of FAQs to help you get started!

     Q: Does listing in a game mean that I have to make a trade?

     A: You should only list in a game if you understand the rules and are open to trading. While it is against Neopets rules to "make" you trade, it is generally considered good sportsmanship to follow through if you opt to participate.

     Q: Should I list or bid?

     A: Both, ideally! If you're torn, I suggest waiting until nearly the end of the listing period and looking at the pot. If there is a pet you absolutely must have, it may make sense to hold your fodder to offer. It can also be "safer" to bid if you're feeling attached to a pet and aren't sure you want to trade.

     Q: What sort of pets get lots of bids?

     A: Part of the magic of these games is that a huge range does! Everything from pretty painted permies to cutely named basics routinely get bids. Give it a shot-- worst comes to worst, you can always list another time.

     Q: How can I find good pets for trading?

     A: There are so many fun strategies. One is getting access to the Secret Laboratory, crossing your fingers for nifty zaps, and then having some colour colours to share. You can ideate creative names and create new pets; trading them as basics or putting them through training or a morphing potion. Sometimes cool pets end up abandoned in the Pound, you never know what you will find during an afternoon of surfing its hallways.

     Q: Can I list or bid custom or a Fountain Faerie Quest?

     A: You are not allowed to take another user's pet and paint, morph, etc. them and then send them back. However, you are welcome to morph/paint a pet from the pound or an untaken name.

     Q: What are general norms I should know to make sure my first game goes well?

     A: Everyone is super nice and generally more than happy to answer questions, so ask away if you're unsure about anything. Generally speaking, don't participate if you have to poof, you should plan to stay monitoring the board through the whole process. It is nice to thank the host for their time-- it takes a lot of effort. Be respectful of lister and bidder decisions. And, most importantly, remember it is a game and the ultimate goal should be to have fun.

      With that, onward to PC you go!! May the trading games be ever in your favour. Neopian Pound Board games are an excellent way to grow your pet family, engage with other users, and enjoy some fast-paced fun. You may even discover a species-colour combination you have never before considered. Take advantage of the ability to add extra pet slots now and let the creative inspiration hit you. Remember, the goal of these games is to have fun and celebrate Neopia's lovely pets!

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