The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,188,405 Issue: 971 | 21st day of Collecting, Y24
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Neopian Restaurant Reviews with the Xweetok Sisters

"Hello Neopia! Your favourite Xweetok sisters, Allora, Denise, and Jessie are back with another instalment of our best (and worst!) restaurant reviews." Collab with jenna_lyn_russell and emilyhunter5034

by neomystress
PAH? Shuffle? Wondertrade?.... Your guide to PC!

"Have you been over to the Neopian Pound Neoboard lately? It is consistently one of the fastest-moving and most popular hangout spots in Neoboard land. While always a great destination..."

by vivajocares
Judging a Book by its Cover

"We're always told not to judge a book by its cover, but with so many beautiful book covers all across Neopia, how can we not?"

by lunafaeire
The State of Lost Desert Archeology

"It’s been nearly 100 years since the discovery of the tomb of Coltzan II, which was found by an expedition out of Sakhmet long before the Lost Desert was known to the rest of Neopia..."

by purplehopper
Crafting Art Gallery Ideas

15 tips for making and improving AG ideas.

by t0tor0
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"A Tale of Rubbish" by bouncyhanyou
I trudge up the hill towards the rubbish dump; there is a crisp chill in the predawn air, but it will dissipate in the next few hours. Because of the early hour, there are only a few people already here. I choose an undisturbed spot in the dump, and begin to slowly, repetitively sift through the junk Neopia deemed not good enough for even the regular garbage. Eventually, my sense of smell will grow accustomed enough to the stench that I won’t even notice it, but here at the beginning, the nauseating scent of decomposing organic matter—not to mention the literal piles of dung plopped about—forces me to breathe through my mouth, tamp down my gag reflex.

Other Stories


Adventure in the Woods
A tale of two zombies in the Haunted Woods

by werelupe_king23


A Tale of Rubbish
"I trudge up the hill towards the rubbish dump; there is a crisp chill in the predawn air, but it will dissipate in the next few hours. Because of the early hour..."

by bouncyhanyou


Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy
"'Gaius!? What is the meaning of condemning th- What happened to you?' the chamberlain stopped in his tracks when he saw Gaius being wrapped up with a herbal poultice on his bruises..."

by ferretboy85


The Iridescence of Amber
The Case of the Amber Statues

by therock4678


Awkward Avatar Hunters: The Life of a Shopkeeper
The struggle of the Gothic Usul...Collab with 6moricehero6

by obeisance


Something Has Happened! - Golden Teeth
Would you keep it?

by jjensen687

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