A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,188,405 Issue: 971 | 21st day of Collecting, Y24
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Adventure in the Woods

by werelupe_king23


It all started when a hungry zombie Nimmo, Olabet Shuffletoes, rose from his grave in the Haunted Woods. It had been quite some time since he'd eaten a brain or his favourite treat, candy floss. He wished those Wocky twins would show up with a treat. It was a tactic Lanie and Lillie had used before to get zombies like Olabet to rise from their graves and fight. Sadly, they did not, so Olabet shambled around to find another undead friend to help him. He could choose anyone, but there were still Neopians that were afraid of zombies. That friend turned out to be a member of the Haunted Woods' Yooyuball team, "Brains" Mortigan. "Brains" loved spooky treats too. Especially brains, hence his nickname. It was also the reason his fellow teammates encouraged him by telling him the Yooyus they played with were tasty brains. Olabet wasn't a teammate, but that didn't matter when treats were involved. The company was just an added bonus.

      "Brains" and Olabet began their search for a tasty treat like brains or candy floss. "Brains" didn't care what they found as long as it was brain-flavoured. He was not that picky when it came to ideal snacks. Olabet was not that picky, either. However, candy floss was something he really enjoyed. It was even better when it was brain-flavoured.

      It didn't take long before the zombie Neopets had left their cemetery. They were eager to start their adventure. This was going to be good. They were both sure they'd find the candy floss. Or some other yummy spooky food. After some time, they found the Esophagor. However, even a zombie knew the Esophagor didn't help Neopets find food, only the answers to the Brain Tree's questions. He also didn't like sharing the food that Neopians gave him. The Brain Tree himself looked tasty, particularly to "Brains" Mortigan. However, Olabet advised the zombie Usul against it. The Brain Tree would likely get angry and fight back, which would ruin their little adventure.

      Before they could think of where to look next, a chorus of eerie howls echoed through the Woods. It was a pack of Werelupes. Luckily, they usually preferred living Neopets to hunt. The pair of zombies were safe. At least from the other denizens of the Haunted Woods. When you happened to be a monster, other monsters left you alone. Olabet Shuffletoes and "Brains" Mortigan continued their search.

     As they searched, they wondered what snacks they would end up enjoying. Perhaps a Spooky Brain Wrap? Or a Bagel with Scream Cheese? They were looking forward to their spooky picnic. The more food, the better. Olabet and "Brains" were not greedy, but they were very fond of spooky food. No true inhabitant of the Haunted Woods would turn their nose up at spooky food. Except for Werelupes, of course. They only ate unfortunate Neopets.

      'Deserted Fairground have food,' "Brains" offered. Olabet nodded in agreement. 'Spooky food shop be there,' he pointed out. 'Need Neopoints first,' "Brains" replied. Olabet was somewhat disappointed at that. How were they going to get the Neopints they needed? This put a dent in their plan. But Olabet and "Brains" didn't want to give up. There had to be a way. They would get their tasty treats no matter what.

      '...What we do now?'

      "Brains" wasn't sure how to answer Olabet. Sure, they could play a few games, but Olabet wasn't great at games and "Brains'" main strength was Yooyuball. 'I not know. I best at Yooyuball.' The zombie Usul had other strengths but Yooyuball was his thing. Also, not playing with his teammates felt weird. He needed them. 'I do not play games alone, usually'. Olabet nodded at the other zombies' words. He could understand that. When your main occupation involves playing as a team with others, it could be quite difficult to play games without your teammates there.

           Olabet was determined to find a way to earn those Neopoints. Their picnic depended on it. There had to be food. Otherwise, there could be no picnic. "Brains" wasn't giving up, either. 'There must be way,' he reassured the zombie Nimmo. Olabet made a happy-sounding zombie moan. He was glad of the reassurance from his fellow zombie.

     However, sounds of frightened Neopians nearby caught their attention. 'People in trouble.' Olabet nodded and the two zombies headed off. 'I hope they not hurt.' They might be zombies, but they didn't want these strangers to suffer. Getting attacked by anything in the Haunted Woods was not something Olabet and "Brains" would wish on anyone. Even their worst enemies. 'They up ahead.' Soon, they found the source of the commotion. It was another Werelupe pack. A red Cybunny, blue Hissi and yellow Aisha had been cornered by the monstrous Lupes.

      Olabet and "Brains" kept hidden for a moment while they thought of a way to save the innocent Neopians. Although both zombie Neopets were strong, they couldn't take on a pack of Werelupes. However, Olabet came up with an idea. Werelupes didn't like witches, such as Sophie and Edna, because witches made magical jewellery out of Werelupe claws. Olabet's idea was to imitate the cackle of a witch to scare the Werelupes away. The brave pair began cackling like witches, hoping it would work.

      It didn't take long for the Werelupes to react. They howled in fear and fled with their tails between their legs. The three Neopets were grateful as Olabet and "Brains" emerged from their hiding place. As luck would have it, the Cybunny, Hissi and Aisha were all supporters of the Haunted Woods Yooyuball team. They wished to share their spooky food with the two zombies. Olabet and "Brains gladly accepted and sat down with the three fans. As an added bonus to their picnic, Olabet and "Brains" received some brain-flavoured candy floss each.

     While they technically didn't buy the food, Olabet and "Brains" got their picnic after all. Of course, that didn't matter to the zombie Neopets and their new companions. Of course, they wanted to make sure the Cybunny, Hissi and Aisha had somewhere safe to stay as well. The Haunted Woods was no place for strangers. Even those that loved the spooky atmosphere all year round.

     Olabet and "Brains" could not let these three Neopets just go it alone in the Haunted Woods. What if they got caught by the Spider Grundo or Meuka? Both of those nefarious Neopians would love to have three lost Neopets for dinner. No, the two zombie Neopets would not let that happen. Not after the run-in with the Werelupe pack.

     After the picnic, Olabet and "Brains" decided to escort the Cybunny, Hissi and Aisha to Neovia. It was just about the safest place in the Haunted Woods to go. Neither Edna, nor Sophie, would be too keen on sharing their homes with three strangers. Witches liked their space. Also, the pair of zombies didn't want anyone to get turned into a Mortog.

     So the five Neopets set off for Neovia. With any luck, they would make it there without any trouble. You can never be too careful in the Haunted Woods. Especially when you happen to be a regular Neopet. Regular Neopets were vulnerable here. Olabet and "Brains" were determined to keep their new friends safe from any malevolent Neopians who wished to do them harm.

     The End.

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