Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 977 | 24th day of Awakening, Y25
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword cureleantwilight

Week - 588

Desert Journey: Part One
by cureleantwilight
Description: A lone white Zafara stood strong against the harsh winds of the Lost Desert. He clung hard to his ruby red cloak, hastily trying to shield gusts of sand from his eyes.

Week - 589

Desert Journey: Part Two
by cureleantwilight
Description: When Aria was a child, she learned the ways of her tribe. "You must prevent outsiders from reaching the ancient city Qasala."

Week - 590

Desert Journey: Part Three
by cureleantwilight
Description: Suddenly he heard a faint and growing rumbling noise from above. Noel quickly looked up to find various rocks of all sizes crashing down upon him.

Week - 591

Desert Journey: Part Four
by cureleantwilight
Description: Do what ever it takes to prevent outsiders from reaching the ancient city.

Week - 592

Desert Journey: Part Five
by cureleantwilight
Description: As she watched Noel disappear over the valley wall, Aria couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling inside.

Week - 593

Desert Journey: Part Six
by cureleantwilight
Description: "Why did you save me? You could have left me to finish your goal..."

Week - 594

Desert Journey: Part Seven
by cureleantwilight
Description: Something was not right. But before Noel could speak, the weakened ground suddenly gave way. With nothing to grab, Aria and Noel began falling...

Week - 595

Desert Journey: Part Eight
by cureleantwilight
Description: "What part of the city do you think we arrived in?"

But Aria didn't answer. Her eyes were fixated on the pair of desert Xweetok guards approaching them. They were trapped...

Week - 596

Desert Journey: Part Nine
by cureleantwilight
Description: "Let's try to make it to the mountain base before it gets too dark," said Aria. "Then we can camp there for the night."

Week - 597

Desert Journey: Part Ten
by cureleantwilight
Description: Exhausted, Noel grabbed his hook from the ice and tucked the rope back under his cloak. The roars of the Skeiths were getting closer. They needed to move fast.

Week - 977

Free Hugs!
by cureleantwilight
Description: Happy Valentine's Day! Collab with suzerz

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