The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 977 | 24th day of Awakening, Y25
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Valentine Mystery Noir

"It’s a dark, rainy night in Lutari Island, the kind of night where I’m cold to the bone and there’s nothing that warms me..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle
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"A Late Valentine's Reunion" by rurirawr
Valentine's Day meant little to Tasha now. She had had enough of the holiday for as long as she could remember, though it seemed like she had spent her entire life at this point in time being reminded of how little she had to celebrate. The only one she had ever really celebrated with these past four decades was herself, but self-love didn't really count, did it? Buying a bouquet of red carnations was about the only thing she did which resembled a Valentine’s Day activity. It wasn't so much that she loved the flowers that it was merely a habit. Forty-five years ago, these carnations would've been gifted to her younger twin sister. She used to be able to remember the day vividly despite trying to push it out of her mind - the tragic day when Sasha contracted what seemed like a simple case of Sneezles, only for her to leave the world later that evening due to severe complications. It seemed like a distant memory she could barely recall now, and she hoped it would stay that way. She didn't want to shed any more tears.

Other Stories


The Ninja and the Valentine’s Gift
"Master Eiji hasn’t been well..."

by crazyboutcute


A Day to Remember
"It was a typical Thursday. Wake up. Put on clean clothes from the laundry basket..."

by parody_ham


Top 10 Valentine's Day Items In Neopia
"Some people take this day very seriously and some don’t really care about it. Whatever your feelings may be, this is a great read about the different kinds of items that show this day for what it is!"

by smeehoo27126043


Five Clues about Illusen’s Mysterious Valentine
"It’s Valentine’s Day, and there’s just one question on everyone’s mind: Who is Illusen’s Valentine?"

by smart100000


Second Glance
'Scuse me...Collab with chai7705

by swordlilly


Blossoms~ That Special Someone
How does my stuff keep getting lost in your nest?

by twillieblossom

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