Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword darkonek

Week - 961

Decision Time
by darkonek
Description: Which team are we choosing???

Week - 975

It's in the Bag!
by darkonek
Description: ...975th time's the charm?

Week - 976

A Quester's Life For Me!
by wizzy13_7
Description: I sailed the seven seas and all I got was this T-shirt. Collab with darkonek

Week - 977

by darkonek
Description: Sharing is caring! Collab with bennle & byrdie

Week - 979

Shear Talent
by darkonek
Description: She's a cut above! Collab with bennle & shanmo

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The Off Season - Illusen Day
You should be glad us earth faeries are very patient!

by pokemon_master_a74


Jhudora and Illusen - The Untold Story
"Many, many, many years ago..." Collab with neschulz

by lebzeit


Illusen's Special Day
Roberta: "Well... there was one thing we needed help with." Collab with Dariganey & Cisko116

by shenkuun


Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 6 (Illusen)
That was a surprise with Taelia, huh?

by twillieblossom


A Symol Matter
How do you handle Symols at the farm?

by kadface

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