Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 6 (Illusen)

by twillieblossom

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Illusens Illusion
"Help deliver Illusen's present to her by completing the maze!"

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Six Ways to Decorate Your Home for Illusen Day
"And as the sun breaks, it finally arrives – Illusen Day! As ever, it’s an exciting time for the entire Neopian community, as this day is dedicated to celebrating the kindness and generosity of the beloved freckled Faerie, Illusen."

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A Missing Invitation
"A sour, noxious smell followed the purple and green clouds that rolled like fog into Illusen’s Glade..."

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Valentine Mystery Noir
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