There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Illusen's Glade Only

by roxanna203

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Six Ways to Decorate Your Home for Illusen Day
"And as the sun breaks, it finally arrives – Illusen Day! As ever, it’s an exciting time for the entire Neopian community, as this day is dedicated to celebrating the kindness and generosity of the beloved freckled Faerie, Illusen."

by daschuffita


Illusen Vs. Leprechaun
"Give me back my holiday!"

by twinkle_jazz


A wordsearch game dedicated to the amazing Earth Faerie; Illusen

by xlorally


Green Wearables for the Baby in Your Life
Starring Walda the Baby Kacheek, Naydeen the Baby Korbat, Berrilana the Baby Lutari, and Christine, their owner!

by _brainchild_

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