For an easier life Circulation: 197,486,709 Issue: 985 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y25
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Very eepy!

by the_creator12345

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Rywald's Vanishing Snacks
"Rywald had a problem. Most problems a royal guard encountered could be solved with fancy footwork..."

by dairykateri


Roast Tentacle
What a rude Petpet...

by _help_de_jaguar_


Return to White River
"The bell that hung above the door still rang out with a cheerful clang, blissfully unaware of the emptiness of the darkened shop..."

by hzoo_26


The Weirdest Petpets in Neopia
"While most users opt for standard, conventional Petpets for their pets, there are those who have tastes that are more strange and unusual." Collab with smartalecked

by jokirs

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