Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword alvissofcaldia

Week - 809

The Haunted Cave - Retold by Oira
by alvissofcaldia
Description: As you walk into room number 292 at the Cheap Hotel - you would see a Regal Oak Wood Bed and a baby Kougra tucked in it - reading a book.

Week - 813

The Secret of Keep Out Island
by alvissofcaldia
Description: It was a dark and stormy night as a Wraith Xweetok rowed his boat to Keep Out Island – as the locals call it. The island itself was tucked behind Krawk Island – a large sign with the words “KEEP OUT!” was flapping in the wind – the sign was what kept locals from going to the island...

Week - 980

All in an April Fools Day work!
by alvissofcaldia
Description: "A Biscuit Xweetok named Cookie asked as he sat with his friends on a Biscuit Chair in his Neolodge Room..."

Week - 990

Lira's Adventure in the Grave Danger Catacombs!
by alvissofcaldia
Description: "'Are you sure, that I will be okay in there? It looks scary! I think you should have asked Oira, Iora and Rai instead to adventure the catacombs' a Gold Snowbunny asked her owner..."

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An Underground Cryptogram
Can you decode the hidden message in this cryptogram?

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Origin of the Smugglers Treasure Chest
Work harder, not smarter. Collab with neoskulltula

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Desserted Underground
The Grarrl dares to check out the Underground. Collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

by verna_

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