Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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Continued Series

Return to White River

"The air shimmered and weaved with tension as a few certain citizens of White River waited in the wings of the Town Hall..."

by hzoo_26
The Primordial Saga: A Faerie's Woe

"The Kougra tried to appease her, but she understood the point the Light Faerie was trying to make. She also turned to Fyora and asked..."

by rurirawr
The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek

"The journey home was mercifully uneventful, but Olivia couldn’t sleep. She was left with raw anxiety after her tough trip through the Haunted Woods..."

by chesschocolate
Bargain with a Dark Faerie

"For Fyora’s sake, I didn't want it to be like this!" Aerin slammed an angry fist on the wooden table, shaking it and the mugs of mead resting upon it..."

by puzzlepets
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Underground Treasures: A Guide to the Symol Hole

Meridell may seem like a peaceful place. But beneath your feet, there is an underground network of tunnels, bustling with Petpets. You may have heard the scurrying of their little feet and wondered why they are scampering around in the dirt. Well, wonder no longer: they have been sent into the Mysterious Symol Hole in search of riches. In this guide, the Symol Hole Appreciation Society will share what is currently known about this underground treasure trove. You will learn how to access the Symol Hole, how to maximise your Petpet’s chances of coming back with a reward, and which prizes we think are the best to have ever been hauled from the dirt. We will begin with a rundown of the basics for readers who are unfamiliar with the Symol Hole. Although much of its workings are shrouded in mystery, it seems to be some kind of burrow, occupied by Symols. Leading experts believe it is likely that the Symols dug the hole themselves. It is accessed through an unassuming hole in the ground, leading to a dark tunnel. This is all that can be seen from the surface, though there have been many reports of lights, strange noises and even music coming from the Symol Hole. All of this would only be of interest to the most dedicated of Petpetologists, were it not for the Symol Hole’s most intriguing property: it contains a fortune so vast that even the Snowager would be jealous. Want to know how you can nab some of these treasures for yourself? Keep reading.

Other Stories


The Commander and the Survivor
Xac meets Cri-Dra, the sole survivor of a conquered world.

by shellshocks


"Even before I opened my eyes, I knew something was wrong. The musty smell of damp stone. A metallic taste in my mouth. The cold feel of the floor against my back. The distant sound of… banjo music?"

by june_scarlet


Spelunking The Southern Connected Underground
The world of Neopia has two major continents simply called the Northern Continent and the Southern Continent.

by pikachu315111


Moltara Travel Guide
Deep below the surface of Neopia, you can find Moltara. We like to call it “The Underground City” and for this special edition of the Neopian Times, we will help readers figure out exactly what to do when visiting this cool place! Collab with kellyclark115 and natashabelx

by theguy2020


"Illogical - Stuck Underground Background."
"Unbeknownst to this poor Neopet..." Collab with roxanna203

by kimpossibleluvr


An Underground Cryptogram
Can you decode the hidden message in this cryptogram?

by srr8383

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