Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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Underground Treasure

by siellan

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Sands of an Hourglass
"A family of four traversed the dunes of the Lost Desert on an Apis caravan. The father, an Acara, was telling a story..."

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Expensive Adventures
Sometimes you should spare your Neopets the trip to Moltara and use Shop Wizard, instead!

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Return to White River
"The air shimmered and weaved with tension as a few certain citizens of White River waited in the wings of the Town Hall..."

by hzoo_26


Conspirixi Theory
The theories MAY need a bit of workshopping. Collab with aliceo96 and bennle

by darkonek

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