Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword snofoxe

Week - 928

Getting Game Avatars
by snofoxe
Description: There are so many Blumaroos.... everywhere...

Week - 938

Replacing Your Petpet
by snofoxe
Description: Don't replace your Petpet, they get really sad!

Week - 985

Avatar Petpets
by snofoxe
Description: Some of the avatar Petpets are fluffy and cute! Some... not so much...

Week - 991

Bringing Spring to Neopia
by snofoxe
Description: "The air was serene but cold, the bitter harshness of winter finally starting to show signs of fading. Patches of snowfall still lay on the barren ground with a few pink primroses sprinkled throughout..."

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Bargain with a Dark Faerie
"...Hú took the advice and didn't say another word about it. It didn't take long before Hú realized why the light was necessary; a thick fog seemed to materialize out of nowhere as they wove deeper and deeper into the woods."

by puzzlepets


Is There a Plushie for That?
"What toys, I pondered, could I buy for them to play with and keep, collect even? The answer came easy to me: plushies."

by mimweimers02


Characters Who Could Have Their Usuki Doll Versions
"Usukis dolls are Neopia's most beloved collectibles. They're so popular and have such a legion of fans that the dolls even have their own exclusive store to sell these little darlings..."

by dinha_reeves


The Floating Islanders - Introductions
New faces aren't always as new as you think.

by yankeesrule244444456


Bad Idea, Dude: Meet the Baby
"Mmmn...Need coffee."

by fluffy_bumbkin

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