Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword hzoo_26

Week - 510

Wandering: Xell's Story
by hzoo_26
Description: Small desert shrubs clung to life in a clump to his left, and to his right in the distance, he saw the grey outline of mountains. And the Hissi known as Xellaration let a faint smile play on his lips. It was time to move, time to wander on.

Week - 526

Wandering: Birth of a Foster Parent
by hzoo_26
Description: The Hissi known as Xellaration stood in the strangest of places for a desert born Hissi like himself. He stood in the living room of a small, fixer-upper neohome, and watched as the human girl he called "Sunny" walked around and commented on the small repairs it would require.

Week - 530

by chylaira
Description: There once was a...

Written by hzoo_26

Week - 735

Origins: Ethel Boortz
by hzoo_26
Description: With a sigh, Ethel Boortz slowly eased her way up out of her rocking chair, crossed the porch, and made her way down the steps towards her young grandchildren. "Michah and Kayla, what did I tell you about Yooyball matches?"

Week - 767

Welcome to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: Portia Provoskia swept the dust from her skirt with a calculated flourish as she exited the small carriage. Her driver, a young Shoyru who talked with a thick Meridellian accent, handed the Halloween Ixi the small case that contained the few possessions she owned. "Welcome to White River, Miss."

Week - 768

Welcome to White River: Part Two
by hzoo_26
Description: Buried somewhere under there was a notepad on which he had written "MAYORAL CANDIDATES" in large block letters. Try as he might, he could only think of one name that really fit what was best for the town. Underneath the title he'd jotted down the name that had haunted him from the moment she'd come into town. Portia Provoskia.

Week - 769

Welcome to White River: Part Three
by hzoo_26
Description: She breathed in slowly, steeling herself as she entered. She could feel the change in the air as she entered, as heads slowly began to turn and stare. She spotted Enid, wearing a kilt and a dark brown shirt, a long swath of tartan fabric draping down her shoulder across her chest. She smiled, and gave Portia a thumbs up.

Week - 770

Welcome to White River: Part Four
by hzoo_26
Description: The voting was a formality as far as she was concerned. She wasn't prideful about it. She just knew that most of the town had finally accepted her. Now the only problem was proving that she was worthy of the title of mayor. That would be a battle of it's own.

Week - 985

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "The bell that hung above the door still rang out with a cheerful clang, blissfully unaware of the emptiness of the darkened shop..."

Week - 986

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "Dinner was a tense affair, the only sound being the tinkling of silverware against Helene's fine dishes. She refused to talk to him..."

Week - 987

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "Although Nicholai may chastise me for sharing this, he has been directing me to keep an open set of ears for news out of Meridell..."

Week - 988

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "He was escorted out of the inn, and into the harsh cold outside..."

Week - 989

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "Mornings in White River, Meridell were usually quiet. The sun rose over the sea, illuminating the water, and bathing the streets of the town in a dusky red..."

Week - 990

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "The air shimmered and weaved with tension as a few certain citizens of White River waited in the wings of the Town Hall..."

Week - 991

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "Portia stood on the shoreline, feeling the sea breeze ruffle her hair. After she had put Charrie in his place, she had met with the council and explained the town’s new..."

Week - 992

Return to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: "Portia let Charrie think on what she had said for a few days, keeping conversations polite but distant. She got back to daily operations of running the town, while..."

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