Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jackie247

Week - 929

Gearing Up for Gadgadsbogen with Tropical Foods
by jackie247
Description: Are you ready to take a dive into the freshest fruit shop around?

Week - 936

The Wheel of Monotony... More Exciting Than You Think!
by jackie247
Description: In honour of Tyrannian Victory Day! :)

Week - 994

Your Top 10 Fall Reading Essentials
by jackie247
Description: The air feels chilly, the skies are getting gloomy, the Deserted Fairground is actually drawing a crowd, and Neopians everywhere are getting ready to celebrate Halloween.

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Great stories!


Halloween night !
"Let's go! It's the last house, guys!" Collab with lorrai07

by shayn_


Sophie & Vira: October Moon, part 2

by squishyfishylovesme


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
"The two Neopets, Teca the Fire Wocky and her mount, Vyim the White Uni, find themselves walking on a mysterious and dark land, having no idea where they might be..."

by chantili_doce


The Haunting of Eliv Thade
The sky was bleeding orange and purple over the tops of trees as dusk swept across the Haunted Woods on the night of Halloween.

by mitasui


A Knight at the Neopian History Museum
It was an afternoon that Jeran or Lisha was unlikely to ever forget...

by pikapi20

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