For an easier life Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword puffy333_revived

Week - 992

A Day In the Life of a Modern Day JubJub
by puffy333_revived
Description: Jubjubs are just like us...

Week - 994

The Modern Day JubJub's Halloween
by puffy333_revived
Description: The Modern Day JubJub forgot it was Halloween today

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Drastic Measures
Do you know anyone who takes decorating a little too far?

by quillweave


Literally Remastered Halloween
Don't think about it...

by rainbowsstars


Which Holiday Candy is the Best?
Yum!!! Collab with kimpossibleluvr

by roxanna203


Something Scary
It's hard coming up with a unique idea for the holidays.

by jenna6570976


The Haunting of Eliv Thade
The sky was bleeding orange and purple over the tops of trees as dusk swept across the Haunted Woods on the night of Halloween.

by mitasui

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