Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword surging

Week - 981

Top Ten Grey Clothes That Are Not Drab!
by surging
Description: "With Grey Day fast approaching pets all over Neopia are looking to try on new styles to be in on the latest fashion trend."

Week - 982

Secret Origins of the Factory
by surging
Description: "Many have heard of the fabled Grundo known as 'The Grundo Thief' – as if he does not have a name..."

Week - 984

Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?
by surging
Description: "Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travellers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects."

Week - 989

Beyond the Hole
by surging
Description: "Fora was a quiet little Symol who lived in a quiet hole in a quiet part of Meridell. There were many Symols who lived deep within the hole, in an expansive city of its own..."

Week - 991

Finding Community in Chocolate
by surging
Description: "Niluw straightened her shirt out in the mirror. She adjusted her crown. She pushed down her pants. She fidgeted with her ears..."

Week - 994

One Night A Year
by surging
Description: Have you ever stepped foot into the Haunted Woods on Halloween on a night the moon is full and red?

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Great stories!


The Haunting of Eliv Thade
The sky was bleeding orange and purple over the tops of trees as dusk swept across the Haunted Woods on the night of Halloween.

by mitasui


Wintry White
"The children were still playing, but there was a moment where the little White got distracted by something she saw through the frosty windows of the orphanage..."

by nick_and_nickette


The Highest Bidder
Neopians from all over the world were finding their seats at the 23rd Annual Weewoo Auction, put on by The Neopian Times.

by sleepiestkitty


Life Improvised : Full Moon Glow Part 1 (HALLOWEEN)
A light in the dark!

by keng200


The Coffee Tavern
Happy Halloween from your Neopian Baristas!

by cyberfall

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