Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,679,377 Issue: 997 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword 9r_waka_tip

Week - 512

Tips of a Gamer - MAGAX Destroyer II
by 9r_waka_tip
Description: There's a strange smell in the air tonight, as you walk through the mist covered town of the Haunted Woods.

Week - 513

Tips of a Gamer - The Buzzer Game
by 9r_waka_tip
Description: There are certain tips and tricks that will make your life much easier when it comes to beating the Buzzer Game.

Week - 574

Tips of a Gamer - Attack of the Slorgs
by 9r_waka_tip
Description: This is the last time those nasty slorgs will try eating MY crops!

Week - 997

Tips of a Gamer – Petpet Rescue
by 9r_waka_tip
Description: Petpet Rescue. As an avid avatar collector, that name used to fill me with despair. How could a game that is so simple mechanically be so difficult? How was I supposed to get 250+ points?

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