Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Giving Thanks

by plaquenil

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The Mask of Calendroh: Part Two
The Acara's heart swelled with pride as she allowed the beautiful faerie to guide her inside. They would be friends; she knew it. Just like in her vision...

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Is Newer Really Better? [Part 2]
Arr, I'm telling ye, tha ol' games be betta' than all them new games! In my days, we'd sit 'n enjoy a good game of [some game no one ever heard of in their life]...

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The Poogle Racer: Part Two
"Wow! Look how she walks, lifting her feet up high and shaking her head…almost prancing! As though she's the best Poogle out there…"

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To Be a Pirate: Part One
The Blue Kougra got daintily to her feet. "I don't get you, Usukishi," she said, using the Usul's full name. "Why on earth do you want to pretend we're scruffy, dirty pirates instead of Usuki princesses?"

by lolazgirl

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