A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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Fruit Snack

by murkrow15

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An Interview With Jhudora
With her very own day fast approaching, I decided to stop by and have a few words with the most misunderstood Faerie in Neopia, Jhudora.

by devil1699


No way! My idea is better!

by velveteen


Murgoh: Part Eleven
"They are coming," Savak said as the howl faded. "Right about when I thought he would. But…I would have expected a stealth raid."

by zephandolf


Return of Seamstress Cybunny: Part Two
The next morning, I bounced out of bed and made breakfast. There wasn't school today and I didn't feel like visiting Shai. I didn't know why...

by anime_cybunny

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