Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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by obviousfakename

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Great stories!


The Five Kaus: Part Eight
"Wrong," said Jacob, stepping in front of the Scorchio's view. "You are going to change Metonot back to normal, remember? I believe you said you would do that?"

by jacob133


Two Brothers
Trouble with petpets...

by nuranna020


Tourists- they have no respect for a sleeping faerie. So many time zones play neo- the crowd may be there a while!

by twilightdestinymai


Strategic Shapeshifting
A Brute Force strategy solves the problem in the most direct or obvious way. Thus, you may end up doing more work than while using any other strategy. On the other hand, this strategy is much easier to implement because of its simplicity.

by autoc007

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