For an easier life Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Short Stories


Her mind suppressed a desperate scream, as she scanned around. One single, small light, a tiniest bit of reflection, was visible just around the street. She flew forward, chasing the light with haste...

by shadowcristal
Thanks, To and From Illusen

Dear Illusen,

You don’t know me but I know you. Everyone in Neopia knows you. I’m just one lowly orange Shoyru...

by star_29791


Jhudora, you see, was a beautiful little girl, with a face as sweet as honey. However, even though everyone agreed she was one of the prettiest faeries there had ever been, she was also the cruelest...

by surgicalsalad

Kesshe trotted happily towards the school gates at a brisk pace, swinging her lunchbox with pent-up excited energy. She was eager to meet many new friends at school...

by nut862

Laughing, we raced after Super. We were going to visit the Turmaculus, to see if he would grant our Petpets a level or give us an item. It was always fun to see if our Petpets could wake him up!

by superhamster6789
Traveling Library Tale

"Yes, my dear," Gold replied with a chuckle. "This is the Neopia Central Traveling Library..."

by anime_cybunny

Lisa got up the next morning and got some Omelette ready for Katie. She went to wake Katie and was very shocked to see that Katie had now a yellowish tinge to her blue fur!

by driv3shaft
All It Takes

Brianna squinted up at the silhouette that stretched high into the sky, its bushy leaves covering almost the whole expanse. "Wanna bet?" she said. "I can do anything."

by imagiknight
Once Upon A Cold Winter's Day...

"Hmm, let's see, why don't I tell you two the story of how the Brain Tree and the Money Tree came to be," she said softly, looking at the fireplace...

by tou403
On the Way

Suddenly Chatka's paw hit something soft, and she looked down, surprised and annoyed in equal proportions. It was all she could do to stop herself...

by haannsolo

The Myncis of the Beach

The only other pets on the beach were four Myncies playing volleyball. They were all different colors, though none of them were painted. Kara watched them from the shallow water...

by sorengylfietwilight
The Best Place to Live

 "Aw, come on Mari, look at the bright side. We can be like the old settlers of Neopia Central. We can start a new life here..."

by bookworm01
Escape From the Tomb

"You know, you're the best owner EVER, right?" she said in a sugary-sweet tone. I took another sip of coffee. Did I dare ask her what she wanted?

by conceptual
Like a Sister to Me

"The Dark Faeries live there. I never want to be near any of them and their evil, especially Jhudora. Now hurry up, or you'll be late for school."

by kindheartedfairy
An Extraordinary Illusen Day

Illusen looked like she'd just been dealt a mighty blow. "It's Illusen Day? I didn't remember!" she exclaimed in surprise...

by gracechanferguson

On her family's farm in the north of Meridell, the young Usul Sally put food out for the livestock, gently prodded her Karren awake and fed him too, and then pattered and hopped back across the frosty ground...

Also by dreagoddess

by schefflera

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"Like a Sister to Me" by kindheartedfairy
Adamina slowly packed up her lunch and spell books. She knew her mother had a dislike for that Faerie and could easily guess that was a broad answer, but even she never knew why Illusen hated Jhudora. And that was what she wanted to know. Adamina absentmindedly left Illusen's Glade...

Other Stories


So You Want to Start a Guild (An Awesome One)
The word “guild” to me is just a fancy way of saying “club”. People join your guild if it has what they think is fun or enjoyable...

by teardrops_of_summer


The Pixelated Formula - Mystery Pic
Some people consider the Mystery Pic just a fun and exciting activity to do on Wednesdays and Fridays. To them, the prize is simply a bonus. And once you get going into it, hopefully you will too!

by watermario222


A Hero's Journey: Part Ten
"Don't worry, Rohane and I can take care of everything." He gestured towards his younger brother, who was balancing a tray of breakfast and setting it onto the table...

by precious_katuch14


The Treasured Diary: Part Six
There was only darkness above and below. He braced himself for eventual collision with the cold, hard ground...

by twirlsncurls5


Tubular Kikos
This comic reveals why Kikos wear bandages...

by horselover5122


Dangerous Living
Being a librarian is...

by citadell

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