A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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Being Razul

by kitty_lover911262

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NeoRiddles!!! - Cafe Kredulor
What!? No atmosphere!

by ejwarrior08


Get Ready, Get Set, Get Shopping!
On the third day of the month, every shop in Neopia, with the exception of the Hidden Tower, sells their items at half price...

by binkygirl999


Slinky Says...

by macabreinside


Dearest Sophie...
Yes, Sophie, I am your loving Meowclops that often follows you around on your premises. So you may be asking why I bothered to write a letter to you in the first place. Well, this letter is that of complaint, and I'm complaining about my meals!

by mistoffelees_cat

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