Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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Kawaii - The Altador Cup

by crow213

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Laboratory Blues
Even scientists get hungry.

by elpheba


A Guide to Magnificent Flowerbeds: Dos and Don'ts
While some flowers grow normally, others wither or get sick or even worse, they get eaten by other flowers. How can you avoid such flower tragedies?

by mooncat27


In Fashion: Names
The first (and most important) gift you give to your pet is a name. Believe it or not, your pet’s name helps in determining his or her future.

by ladyariel32


Something Has Happened
You hear the cackling of a MAD PIRATE CAPTAIN.

Art by nut862

by tdyans

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