Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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Crunchy in Milk

by koji_phoenix

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Qnde & Szoo: Useful Tusks
Anyway, who said that tusks are useless?

by shubi5


Gaming vs. Restocking
Yes, there is always the option to be both a Gamer and a Restocker, but both take a lot of dedication; splitting that dedication in half really spreads out the time between your goals and achieving them. It's best to stick with one thing for a while and when you get bored you have something new to move on to.

by hes_my_angel


Adventures in Petpetsitting
That's when I had my brilliant idea. "Momma, can't I take care of Viv's petpets?" I asked. "And maybe... Viv would pay me!"

by broadwaybaby986


ConFUNded - In School II
So that does count?

by vhgvoov

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