Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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Totally Random But True Facts

by kazue

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He just looks so alone...

by kinohi


Adjusting for the Average Holiday Pet
Walking into the Merry Outfits Shop anyone can quickly notice a theme. Green and red and the occasional brown is what most of the pets are decked in. Very festive in the Month of Celebrating, but now?

by firehazzard


Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Five
I did something very foolish. I walked toward the Darkest Faerie's black lair. It took me hours...

by hob51


My Vacation: Part Three
The moment I had unpacked my plushies, Jeanie dragged me out the door to meet some natives that kept speaking gibberish. "We're here to play Tyranu Evavu," Jeanie announced...

by jeanaet

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