The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 123,711,044 Issue: 249 | 21st day of Swimming, Y8
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Nerds and Neopets

by guitarsiren

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The consequences of playing the slots...

by usedcarsalesman


For Juggling and Glory
Ah, Jolly Jugglers, the game that gives "Look before you leap" a new meaning.

by visorak_commander


The Practical Neogardener
"She's got the gardening bug. I've never seen it so bad. Glass roses, Furrns, Snakebushes... She wants one of everything! Or maybe two!"

by pandorasaha


Air Faerie Quest
Air faerie wants you to get her "Mouth Wash"!

Also by pyrorockchik

by hikarru

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