Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 123,711,044 Issue: 249 | 21st day of Swimming, Y8
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New Series

Some Kind of Shelter: Part One

He wouldn't be long, she thought. If there was one thing she could count on, it was the reliability of her best friend...

by rainbow_daydreamer
The Highlands: Part One

The Highlands. It was a stretch of blizzard-infested mountains that stretched away for miles behind the Haunted Woods, before crossing a thin stretch of ocean and joining Terror Mountain...

by katiesheffield
The Mynci Squad: Part One

Mono, an Island Mynci, sat on the green and yellow rug on his living room floor, pondering. It was a Saturday morning, and he had absolutely nothing to do!

by costa_rican_girl
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"To Work or Not to Work" by caloriemuncher
Slowly she tiptoed out of the room she and Nelly shared and down the newly carpeted stairs. She found her owner sitting at her work desk, huddled over a stack of papers. Emily walked quietly to her owner and discreetly tapped her on the shoulder...

Other Stories


A Change of Heart
The shadow Lupe rolled his eyes. Kelly, his owner, was always being protective...

by stars_and_stripes180


Nimmo Nurse
"I have the instructions right here," continued the doctor, switching back to his normal brisk voice. "Make sure you follow them to the letter..."

by skycrowmor


Your Guide to the Clubs in Altador
You may have noticed a bulletin board in the Altadorian Archives. There are many different papers tacked to that old wall, most of them pointless, but you may have also noticed the numerous clubs that are looking for new members.

by christina333333


All the pets in the practice team are Jelly! They are made of Jelly!

by faerie91993


It Came From Outer Space...

by rose_of_eternity_69


Me and Them
Did you just call me FAT?!!

by hamtaro6969

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