Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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Modern Marvels

by flarethdragon

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The Kadoatery
You did NOT just paint your baby pteri for a kad feed.

by hikarru


In the Nightmares: Part One
"Who are you?" she asked. She wasn't afraid of whoever it was behind her, just curious...

by lavendergoddess79


The Return of Barclay
It was then for the first time since I left my lonely burrow underneath the bushes that I decided to return to see what treasures remained of my once gigantic hoard...

by pippin_me


Kiko Komix
Look! I got painted Christma-white! ^_^'

by monica5327

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