Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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Dubloon Disaster

by ghostcake

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A Comic About Sand
If the title isn't enough to hook you, I don't know what is.

by me_like_juice


Trouble at Cyodrake's Gaze
Yikes! Watch out!

by samantha13_rose


A Beginner's Guide to Sophie's Stew
I play this game almost every day. I know a lot of things about it. So if you just started to play, here are some TIPS!!

by thepetlover48


The Battle for Kreludor: Part Three
"She's a captain, though; she probably has important information about Virtupets. Perhaps we could brainwash her..."

by azellica

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