Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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Something Has Happened!

by frostcrystal

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Annunciation, Arguments, and Airspray
Cyan, more commonly known as the Negg Faerie, sniffed her annoyance. "It's called dramatic effect, Aethia. And I'll have you know that the instructions clearly state that one must add in a dramatic pause between the Kyrii's hair and the Golden Juppie soup. It won't work properly, otherwise..."

by silent_snow


A Beginner's Guide to Sophie's Stew
I play this game almost every day. I know a lot of things about it. So if you just started to play, here are some TIPS!!

by thepetlover48


Picture Perfect
The day Nym learned...

by khestrel


The Exquisite Winged Scholar
A personal study of the enigmatic library faerie...

by nurtureearth

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