Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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Randomness IV

by wizardmoncita

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Great stories!


The 10 Worst Holiday Gifts
Sure, everyone gets socks, jumpers and shampoo under the tree, but this article will deal with the worst of the worst.

Also by hurricanegirlyeah

by ngc_5128


Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part One
Zhou peered curiously at the red light beaming across the sky. "'Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning,'" he quoted. "Strange things'll be happenin' soon, no doubt. Th' sun never lies..."

by reggieman721


Over Starched!
Yoru isn't allowed into space anymore...

by _shades_of_midnight_


10 Steps to Holiday Cheer
Therefore, it is not only my privilege, but my duty, to outline 10 crucial steps a GCN like myself follows in order to spread the Holiday cheer.

by karatemaster9

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