Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 163,200,182 Issue: 280 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y9
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Done Deal! - Pudding!

by pantheray

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Great stories!


AsianPotato: The Wrong Grave
Oh fish.

Also by fuzzy_jubjub_2004

by princton_fan


Echoes||Finality: Part One
So much had happened in the last few days that my head was swimming. I had gone from an average citizen to a soldier to a hero to a condemned convict in a few short hours...

by freakogamer91


The Pink Cloud

by racoony


Standing Up
"First day of school!" The Flotsam slithered out of bed ungracefully and out into the hall, nearly knocking over a coat rack...

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittygirl5170

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