Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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Island's Tales

by juliaduarte

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Lauren & Co.
You just had to tell her...

by poogle_gurl_123


Modern Marvels
Apparently we needed a guest concept person to make another giant squid comic...

Concept by kspellcaster

by flarethdragon


Vanity: Part Two
He offered his arm and she placed hers lightly on top. She knew from living with Sarah that this was the customary way beauty contestants of opposite genders in the area traveled in public. She also knew from having a brain that it was going to be hard to keep her arm up...

by literalluau


The Worst That Could Happen
Lab Ray Mishaps

by mango_lovebird

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