Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Speck the Speckled

by cheetah_kougra

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Christmas Never Came
It was so… peaceful then… so peaceful today, on Christmas day. So happy. Everybody was nice to each other, it seemed. Everybody was nice to everybody else, almost at least. Everybody was nice to everybody else… except for the street pets.

by chocolateisamust


Past The Point
Ahh. the smell of paint brush...

by cannonsmbt


Street-Side Carolers
Every single year, Mrs. James would become peculiarly moody around the holidays and yell at every pet in the city that passed her way. Elise's owner said that something very bad happened to her around Christmas some time ago...

by belldandy213


A Little Grey - Snowy
I know way out!

by starrkitty03

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